Different Types of Indoor Plants
Photo by milivigerova

56 Different Types of Indoor Plants

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You will find some of the different types of indoor plants in our exclusive list, so selecting the right plants for your home will be easy.

Everyone loves a good houseplant. Those green babies are too irresistible to pass up, even if you are an experienced plant killer.

If you’ve been stuck in a room for months, indoor plants are a quick and easy way to add color or increase the outdoor vibes.

Additionally, having indoor plants improves your mood and is good for your mental health. 

If you’ve found yourself here, you’re likely searching for a new houseplant to add to your indoor garden but need help deciding which one to choose.

There are many common indoor plants, and there is a good reason for this. They are typically simple to maintain, and their owners adore how they appear.

Without much ado, here are the different types of indoor plants.

1. African Mask

Elephant ears, also known as African masks, have upright clusters of tall stems that eventually sag into broad, uneven leaves.

These leaves offer excellent indoor contrast because they are darker than the leaves of many other houseplants.

African mask plants prefer high humidity, moderate temperatures, and indirect lighting.

These plants have a rapid growth rate, making them perfect for filling large areas. The average household variety grows to two feet, but some particular varieties can grow up to fifteen feet.

In the spring and summer, make sure to fertilize generously. Due to its high level of toxicity, keep pets away from this plant.

2. African Violet

African violets are small indoor plants with deep, vividly colored flowers and dark green leaves.

The majority (hence the name) are purple, but some varieties come in red, white, and pink. 

Watering them from the roots and using water without chlorine will help them grow the healthiest.

Although they don’t require much maintenance, African violets require particular attention regularly.

Otherwise, it takes work to maintain their good looks. Keep them somewhere with lots of bright indirect light, and think about buying specialized fertilizer to give them more nutrients.

This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

3. Begonia

Begonias are excellent indoor plants, but their maintenance needs are categorized as intermediate.

Don’t mistakenly think of them as complicated, though; it can be a little difficult to balance their needs, particularly when it comes to watering.

They always prefer moist soil, but root rot is more likely to occur if it’s too wet. Additionally, they like humidity, but misting them will cause them to grow powdery mildew, so avoid doing so.

The endless variety of shapes and colors that they come in gives them one major advantage over many other indoor plants.

Begonias also benefit from being more pest-resistant than other types of plants. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

4. Air Plant

Because they don’t require soil or potting mix, air plants are among the most unusual plants you can grow indoors.

These epiphytic plants develop on trees in their natural habitat. As long as you have a substrate, you can attach them to it and give them regular watering; they can grow quite well.

Wires, rocks, or other inventive designs are frequently used.

The simplest way to care for air plants is to mist them every day or every other day if it’s cooler outside. Air plants receive both nutrients and water through their leaves. 

Furthermore, they prefer direct, bright light, especially in humid environments.

Air plants are extremely hard to kill in the right conditions, but creating those conditions requires some practice.

5. Aloe

One of the most well-known indoor plants in the world is aloe vera. They require very little upkeep and are incredibly simple to grow.

It enjoys bright light and only needs a little watering to stay healthy because it is a desert-type succulent. 

Although they can be toxic to overly curious pets, they are excellent air filters. The thick gel inside aloe leaves distinguishes them from other plants.

The gel has many advantages for the skin, including moisturizing and bacterial removal. 

There’s a good reason why aloe vera gel is the main component of so many healthcare products.

The gel is useful for anyone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen because it relieves burns. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

6. Anthurium

Like peace lilies, anthurium is a flowering plant with an eye-catching spathe surrounding its flowers.

Anthurium has an especially glossy, nearly plastic-like appearance that initially appears almost artificial. The cut flowers work well in bouquets, so florists like to use them.

Also, regular (but not daily) watering and bright, indirect light is preferred by anthurium.

Additionally, they enjoy high humidity, and if grown properly, they can bloom for most of the year.

However, this plant requires more work to properly care for than other typical houseplants, making it a poor option for beginners. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

7. Jasmine

The heady fragrance of the jasmine flower will fill your space. Although jasmine is a vine typically grown outdoors, some varieties can also be grown indoors.

To promote healthy growth, plant your indoor jasmine in a location that receives some sunlight. For Jasmine, a location close to a south window is ideal.

Additionally, keep them cool by circulating the air. Try to maintain a temperature range of 15°C and 23°C. Plant them in a porous material as well.

8. Polka Dot Plant

If you’re looking for a cute indoor plant, you can’t go wrong with Polka Dot Plant! Other names for them include Freckle Faceplants.

They have lovely foliage and a variety of hues, including green, cream, pink, and red.

The Polka Dot plant prefers moisture. As a result, consider growing them in your bathrooms and terrariums.

Polka Dot houseplants also tolerate low light. However, they will stoop to reach the light.

To keep older plants in shape, you can also prune them back. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

9. Asparagus Fern

This small South African bush, though not technically a fern or related to asparagus, is simple to grow and a fantastic option for novice gardeners.

It doesn’t get too big for most households, and the flattish, triangular leaves have an appealing texture. It will stay regular with frequent, gentle watering and indirect lighting.

Purchase sturdy pots, and as the plant grows, repot it about every two years. Since asparagus ferns‘ roots are unusually strong, weaker pots may be broken by them. 

Furthermore, this plant can look its best by gently pruning older sections. It is poisonous, though, so be careful neither you nor any pets eat it. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

10. Banana Plant

Though commonly considered a tree, the banana plant is more properly classified as a herb.

The more light the middle trunk receives, the better it will look. The middle trunk is a collection of leaves.

Additionally, bananas need watering to keep the soil moist but not drenched. However, if you grow it indoors, don’t anticipate any fruit.

11. Bird’s Nest Fern

Among its relatives, the bird’s nest fern is one of the more tolerant plants, making it a great choice for beginners.

It prefers warm, humid environments resembling rainforests, ideally with moist but never completely soggy soil.

Leave a little space between this plant and other plants because its leaves tend to fall slightly over the side.

Besides that, it grows well and even flourishes close to a north-facing window, where other plants find it difficult to grow. 

They don’t require a lot of soil, but when repotting, take care as the roots are delicate. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

12. Bromeliad

A sizable family of plants called bromeliads has delightfully vibrant foliage. From a distance, what looks like flowers are colored bracts holding the flowers.

These stand out among most species of houseplants because they provide bright colors all year.

Bromeliads are simple to grow because they tolerate a wide range of temperatures and require little water.

Their color will be best highlighted by bright, indirect light, but you can also raise them in dimly lit areas.

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There are over three thousand species of bromeliads, so ask your neighborhood gardening shop about the best varieties for your region. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

13. Calathea

The numerous leaves of the relatively simple-to-grow Calathea have distinct light and dark areas.

These leaves frequently drop in layers, giving the appearance of being dense and obstructing vision.

In warmer weather, they frequently require daily watering due to their preference for moist soil and thrive in both low and moderate light.

Furthermore, if you’re looking for particular designs, there are many calatea to choose from because they come in several hundred different varieties.

Though they can tolerate temperatures as low as 65 degrees, they strongly prefer temperatures closer to 75 throughout the year.

Some fertilizer also aids. Cats and dogs are not toxic to calathea. Calathea is one of the different types of indoor plants.

14. Prayer Plant

While these indoor plants can thrive in any lighting, they do necessitate a little more watering than other plants.

You gave the plant its holy name because its leaves folded inward at night to resemble praying hands.

15. Cast-Iron Plant

As the name suggests, the cast-iron plant is one of the most durable.

When the soil is dry, it only occasionally needs to be watered; otherwise, it can withstand harsh conditions and extensive neglect. 

This plant is the simplest to grow for a beginner because it can be grown by almost anyone, regardless of ability. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

16. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreens are native to Southeast Asian rainforests, where they benefit from high humidity and relatively little sunlight filtered by the trees above them.

Compared to most other plants, it prefers some indirect light but needs much less. 

Keep them away from doors and windows, though, as they prefer warmer environments. Flowers are uncommon and typically appear as subtle, pale-green flowers.

To avoid the flowers consuming all the nutrients and energy, try to prune them before they develop into berries. 

Keep the Chinese evergreen away from pets as it is a toxic plant. Know that this plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

17. Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese money plant is a simple-to-grow plant with numerous names, most alluding to its imposingly sizable, circular leaves.

Densely emerging from their pot on thick stems, the leaves tend to take on a faintly curved dome shape. 

They prefer infrequent but thorough watering and plenty of indirect sunlight to maintain photosynthesis.

Chinese money plants can survive in environments that are too chilly for other plants because they are more tolerant of lower humidity and temperatures than other plants. 

Consider rotating it regularly to promote balanced growth since they tend to grow in the direction of the light.

Chinese money plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

18. Creeping Fig

In the entire genus of Ficus, the creeping fig is the most widely consumed variety.

It is a relatively simple indoor plant to care for and has thick-leafed vines that look great in hanging baskets.

19. Peace Lilly

When used in a large display, this plant blooms in the spring with long-lasting flower stalks that dangle gracefully over the foliage.

Peace lilies can flourish in both dim and direct sunlight. They make excellent plants for adding life to dark spaces or bare corners.

However, continual exposure to strong sunlight can dry out their lovely flowers and burn and scorch their leaves.

They are a clear choice for indoor plant growers due to their attractiveness and ease of maintenance. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

20. Snake Plant

Mother-in-tongue laws and Sansevieria are other names for this plant.

They can adapt to any environment. The air-purifying snake plant is the best plant for beginners.

The snake plant prefers bright to moderate light. It can, however, adjust to dim lighting.  Additionally, avoid letting the snake plant sit in water.

Always wait until the soil is completely dry before watering. Furthermore, remember that this plant is poisonous to animals, so try to keep it away from your dogs and cats.

21. Christmas Cactus

The Christmas cactus is a moderately slow-growing plant that blooms when other plants are dormant in the winter.

Various hybrids are a good option for beginners because they have longer flowering times and more color.

The Christmas cactus does not tolerate drought very well, unlike most cacti. The soil should be moist but not to the point of becoming soggy.

Although you should place this plant somewhere with a temperature of about 55 degrees to start flowering, humidity is good for it. 

If that doesn’t work, you can put it in the dark for a few weeks and then put it back in the sunlight. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

22. Spider Plant

The plant’s slender leaves spilling over and producing new plantlets gave rise to its creepy-crawly name.

This great air-purifying plant, which enjoys moisture, is ideal for placement in your bathroom. 

They need only be placed in areas with direct and bright light to flourish. Water them regularly, but less in the winter.

Cats may be slightly toxic from them. As a result, it is advised to stay away from cats because they may result in nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

The good news is that young spider plants can be used to grow a second plant.

These spiderlings will self-root if you bury them in compost, providing you with a free second plant.

23. Croton

Crotons are shrubs with impressive flexibility. Household varieties rarely grow taller than three feet, but some species, given enough room and time to grow, can reach heights of 20 feet. 

Crotons are tropical plants that prefer moderate temperatures, high humidity, and indirect lighting to prevent burning.

Even though croton is a flowering plant, most people won’t even notice its tiny flowers. Their thick, vividly colored leaves are what make them useful indoors. 

Most of the leaves on this shrub reach upward, producing a dense patch of foliage that makes it simple to keep it close to other houseplants. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

24. Crown of Thorns

The swirling, vivid flowers of the crown of thorns, a relatively uncommon indoor plant, make it stand out especially well during the blooming season.

Most of these succulents only need watering every few weeks, and they grow slowly and don’t need much maintenance.

Put this where it can get the most sunlight if you want lovely flowers. Furthermore, consider using artificial light sources in winter because it needs full sun to bloom.

Warmer temperatures are preferable, but try to avoid overly humid places.

25. English Ivy

The English ivy is a hardy plant that looks fantastic when grown in a small pot.

Their lovely vines overflow to the side, making a stunning display. Additionally, this can climb almost anything. They will easily climb trellises, walls, and shelves if you let them.

Additionally, you have many options because this plant is available in a wide range of green hues. Just give young plants enough water, please.

Once they reach adulthood, they become tolerant plants. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

26. Dragon Tree

Simple and easy to grow, dragon trees have long, narrow leaves that primarily grow upright from a square base.

Since they require less watering than most houseplants, they can withstand droughts with little to no difficulty. 

They prefer heavier shades than most houseplants. When pots are too small, dragon trees stop growing, so you can control their growth by keeping them in a pot that is the right size. 

Otherwise, they can stand an impressive fifteen feet tall, which makes them perfect for use as room centerpieces. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

27. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Trees with fiddle leaf figs have a single main trunk and are generally thin and narrow.

Although the leaves are larger and bushier than the central trunk, they don’t reach very far.

The best deep watering for fiddle leaf figs is done only occasionally because they like alternate dry and wet periods. It won’t like colder tap water, so try to give it room temperature instead.

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28. Crown of Thorn

The swirling, vivid flowers of the crown of thorns, a relatively uncommon indoor plant, make it stand out especially well during the blooming season.

Most of these succulents only need watering every few weeks, and they grow slowly and don’t need much maintenance.

Put this where it can get the most sunlight if you want lovely flowers.

Consider using artificial light sources in winter because it needs full sun to bloom. Warmer temperatures are preferable, but try to avoid overly humid places.

29. String of Pearls

All of your visitors will find this pearl-like foliage hanging over its pot a striking piece of decor.

Another member of the succulent family, this adorable and tiny indoor plant needs both lots of light and little water to survive.

Furthermore, to create an overflowing bouquet, hang a string of pearls from a window and keep them moist. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

30. Zenzi ZZ

This is the well-known Zamioculcas Zamiifolia plant in a dwarf form. Furthermore, when fully grown, it only reaches a height of 2 feet.

They have irregularly thick surfaces and small, oval-shaped leaves in a deep green shade.

These leaves are supported by slender, cylindrical stems, giving the plant the appearance of a tiny jungle.

So purchase it for table and shelf decor or a simple floor pot. It not only makes your house look more beautiful, but it also purifies the air. This is all done without the need for a strong hand.

31. Frizzle Sizzle

The unusual succulent known as “Frizzle sizzle” has spiral-shaped leaves. Also, they prefer as much filtered sunlight as possible because it encourages the leaves to curl more. 

While flowering may cause the leaves to become straighter and produce an impressive vanilla scent, you can also trim the flowers to maintain the curly nature of your plant. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

32. Lucky Bamboo

These days, it’s easy to locate this plant. You can easily identify these Lucky bamboo plants in offices, businesses, homes, and on desks for good feng shui.

They have eye-catching shapes, swirls, or braided stalks. The small, floppy green leaves that adorn the stalks can also be trained to grow in a straight line.

33. Guiana Chestnut

The Guiana chestnut is one of the easiest and softest trees to grow indoors.

They can withstand overwatering more easily than nearly any other tree and thrive with adequate watering about three times per week.

They are extremely durable if you maintain them regularly. Make an effort to offer at least six hours of direct, bright sunlight.

Place this among several other plants for best results to help maintain high humidity levels. A tray of pebbles can also have water added to it.

It’s best to keep the air’s humidity at around 50%. Additionally, because it prefers to grow toward the sun, prepare for frequent turning of this plant.

Repot it into a bigger container as soon as possible because the pots they use are frequently inadequate.

However, in the end, this tree is simple to grow and maintain. Also, If you’re looking for a tree, start here because it’s much more resilient and user-friendly than many other popular houseplants. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

34. Hoya

Hoya is unusually waxy-looking vines, also known as waxiness, that can sporadically thicken and develop into shrubs.

The majority of varieties grow well indoors and require little water for maintenance. Hoyas are among the most fragrant houseplants, though. 

Furthermore, to ensure you’ll enjoy having that scent permeate your home, consider giving a few a sniff before purchasing.

35. Jade Plant

Small, tree-like shrubs known as jade plants typically have a single central stem.

They can store water well to withstand drought because of their thick, somewhat oval-shaped leaves. 

Because they are simple to grow and tend to live for a very long time, jade plants are frequently given as gifts to businesses in some locales.

This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants. Furthermore, the majority of jade plants grow very slowly.

Although they have a maximum height of five feet, most jade plants grow much smaller. Owners may keep them under four inches tall as desk plants and other places.

36. Kalanchoe

Succulents with flowers called kalanchoe thrive in a variety of pots. They typically have dense clusters of tiny red, yellow, white, or occasionally pink flowers when they bloom.

The extra-large, emerald-green leaves of these plants frequently droop to the sides, giving the flowers plenty of visibility.

It can be challenging to get these succulents to bloom, though. The ideal temperature range for kalanchoe is just 60 to 65 degrees, requiring a lot of indirect sunlight. 

They are also simple to overwater. Since they are succulents, they can store water and may only require watering once a month in the winter.

Also, it’s simple to keep them alive, but if you want your Kalanchoe to bloom, you might need some gardening experience.

37. Monstera

Monstera, also referred to as the “swiss cheese plant,” has peculiar holes in its leaves that give the impression that it is thinner and weaker than it is.

It’s also among the most widely used houseplants because it’s simple to grow, can withstand some indoor drought, and grows quickly enough to keep things interesting.

You can plant monsteras in places where other plants won’t thrive as well because they prefer darker environments.

Sunlight will hasten its growth, but if the leaves exhibit any brown spots, it is probably receiving too much light. 

Try to include something for it to grab onto, such as an indoor trellis. When ripe, the rare fruits are edible, but otherwise, this plant is poisonous. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

38. Pothos

This tiny plant has lovely heart-shaped leaves and a vine. They are also simple to maintain.

They can thrive in low light conditions, which makes them ideal for growing as indoor plants. Additionally, they will clean the air in your home.

This charming little plant requires regular trimming to stay neat. Additionally, Pothos dislikes being overwatered.

This tiny one can be grown in a hanging basket or put on a shelf or bookcase.

39. Norfolk Island Pine

Outside, Norfolk Island pines can reach heights of 200 feet, but indoors, these trees only reach the size of shrubs. They prefer dry soil between waterings and do well in acidic soil. 

They also tolerate drought quite well. Every one to two weeks should be sufficient.

You can anticipate short, horizontal branches with tiny leaves if grown properly. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

40. Parlor Palm

Most parlor palms grow between three and six feet when healthy and are relatively tall but narrow plants.

They have a delicate appearance, slow growth, and thin leaves that emerge from thicker central stems.

Parlor palms like it warm and dry. Excess moisture is a larger issue than insufficient water, which can cause root rot.

Additionally, they favor indirect light, preferably dappled shade, to replicate their natural surroundings. 

Parlor palms can be difficult to maintain perfectly, but as long as they receive occasional watering, they are also difficult to kill, making them suitable for beginners. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

41. Rubber Plant

Rubber trees are lovely indoor plants that can add a pop of color to your indoor space due to their large leaves and vivid colors.

Rubber trees can grow up to 10 feet tall. However, you can reduce their size by routinely trimming their branches and leaves.

42. Giant bird of paradise

The tall stems of the giant bird of paradise plant have leaves that resemble bananas. Unfortunately, flowers don’t bloom or show up indoors.

This plant prefers direct, bright light. However, excessive sunlight can harm plants like flowers and leaves.

Keep their soil moist as well. Before watering the soil in the winter, allow it to dry out more. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

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43. Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm is one of the simplest palms to maintain and easily adapts to its surroundings.

Additionally, you can add it to the list of plants that purify the air. Except for direct sunlight, these palm trees appreciate every type of lighting.

The Bamboo palm does not like excessive watering, so ensure the soil is kept moist and that you purchase a planter with good drainage.

The bamboo palm is also animal-friendly. Consequently, your furry friend and your green friend can remain close. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

44. Peperomia

With a stunning range of colors, Peperomia is a species that can fit almost any style of decor.

They all do, however, prefer regular, moderate watering and lots of indirect lighting. Since it might begin to rot if it gets too wet, having good drainage in the soil is also crucial.

Because they almost never grow taller than a foot and a half, peperomia is great for small spaces.

They thrive in most environments but prefer higher humidity and the occasional sprinkle of fertilizer. 

In contrast to many other rainforest plants, peperomia is generally non-toxic to humans and animals, making it great for cities.

Peperomia is also excellent at purifying the air. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

45. Heartleaf Philodendron

The perfect present for a birthday, wedding, or anniversary is a plant in the shape of a heart (what better way to express your love than a plant).

This plant is climber-friendly and works well as a hanging plant. It is also very difficult to kill this plant, which is good news for new plant parents.

Although it prefers moderate light, it can tolerate bright, direct sunlight. Maintain constant moisture in their soil. In addition, cats and dogs cannot consume this plant.

46. Phalaenopsis Orchid

You can easily find phalaenopsis orchids at most plant stores because they are an easy-to-grow orchid variety for beginners with a large market penetration.

Maintaining high humidity around them is beneficial as they obtain a large portion of their moisture and nutrients from the air. 

If you let them dry out, expect them to perform less well. In ideal circumstances, these orchids typically have light green leaves; they typically have darker leaves when they do not receive enough light. For the long stems, add support. 

Furthermore, Phalaenopsis, however, will bloom in its ideal environment with several vividly colored flowers close together without occupying much space.

47. Philodendron

Philodendrons are among a large group of plants found in jungles.

It thrives all year long, even in the winter, when most indoor plants go dormant. What’s more, this plant communicates effectively.

The leaves will be far apart if it receives enough sunlight. Also, overwatering will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Thanks to these visual cues, it is simpler to comprehend what a philodendron requires for the best growth.

Because of that, beginners should consider it. As a leafy plant, however, it thrives on shelves and in places where its tendrils can climb.

48. Ponytail Palm

Do not be deceived by the brown central stalk and the dangling green leaves.

Ponytail palms aren’t shrubs or even trees. It’s a succulent that, in most indoor settings, grows to a height of four to six feet. 

Ponytail palms are desert plants, so they don’t need much water and prefer bright light all day.

This is a rare indoor plant that can receive direct sunlight. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

If you’re unsure, put the ponytail palm where it will receive as much sunlight as possible because it’s easier to give it too little than too much.

Use quick-draining soil to help prevent root rot, which can kill them. Also, Ponytail palms are non-toxic to cats and dogs, and you can expect them to thrive with little work as long as they have access to sunlight, water, and a comfortable temperature.

49. Echeverias

The foliage of echeverias is arranged in a rosette pattern. Echeveria also comes in various colors, including purple, pink, red, blue, and teal. Additionally, even in a small pot, this plant looks stunning.

However, before you switch them to partial sunlight, they enjoy bright, indirect sunlight for most of the day.

Additionally, be careful to avoid exposing it to direct afternoon sun. Echeveria may find this to be too severe.

50. Lithops

Due to how much they resemble pebbles and other small stones, they are also called “living stones.”Place them somewhere sunny, give them no more than a few annual waterings, and enjoy the beauty it adds to your house.

It’s crucial to select potting soil rich in inorganic material for Lithops. Additionally, please resist the urge to water them more than necessary because doing so can lead to issues.

They can be planted in little pots and come in various colors. These indoor plants, like succulents, can endure high temperatures and little water.

Lithops’ deceptive appearance will awe your visitors. This plant is one of the different types of indoor plants.

51. Schefflera

The Schefflera is a hardy shrub that can develop outdoors into a tree. It is a low-maintenance plant that usually branches out into a reasonably dense, bushy cluster of leaves.

They thrive in warmer climates and develop quickly, especially in environments with high humidity and frequent fertilizer applications.

Even though Schefflera is a flowering plant, most indoor plants won’t bloom. When it needs more water, it begins to wilt slightly, which is fairly expressive for a common houseplant.

Although Schefflera prefers bright light, summertime may require a little more shade.

52. Haworthia

This succulent grows well in direct sunlight and is non-toxic. Haworthia is a fascinating and special indoor plant, too.

The striped appearance of the zebra Haworthia makes it a truly unique succulent plant.

This plant grows slowly and reaches a height of over 6 to 8 inches. Haworthia is also a great indoor plant for cramming into tight spaces.

Additionally, this plant is one of the most amazing because of the harmony it creates when planted alongside other succulents like cacti.

Furthermore, it is simple to maintain, so you should be fearless in growing this plant. This plant will thrive in windows with an east or west orientation.

53. Senecio

Succulents belonging to the Senecio family typically have thick, fleshy leaves.

Some have peculiar shapes, such as one resembling a cluster of peas on a vine and another resembling banana.

They don’t typically require much water, but they like lots of light. However, try to keep them warm and somewhat humid in either case.

54. Bromeliads

They make the perfect table plant because they require little maintenance, and their color displays last a long time. They also absorb the moisture in the air around them.

They have a special method of storing water by shaping a cup out of the foliage. The water that has been stored is used as needed.

Give your bromeliad bright light, but avoid direct sunlight if possible. Instead of right at a window, position them close to one that faces east or west. This is one of the different types of indoor plants.

55. Baby’s Tears

Baby Tears flourish on a windowsill or in a dim corner because they can tolerate various lighting situations.

Being a succulent, this plant needs potting soil that drains well and infrequent watering to stay healthy.

To give this indoor plant the humidity it needs to stay lush, grow Baby Tears in a tiny terrarium or under a glass cloche in direct sunlight.

56. Yucca

A type of desert tree is the Yucca. They don’t require much water, as their natural habitat suggests, so you can wait until the top third of their soil has dried out before watering them again.

They also prefer intense sunlight, so you can place them in places where more light-sensitive plants would scorch.

Additionally, they live longer than many other popular houseplants. Yucca is simple to grow and an excellent option for novices.

They don’t require special soil or care, so you can usually leave them alone, other than the occasional watering.

However, if you don’t take care, you could cut yourself on the sharp edges of their leaf tips. Don’t purchase this if you have cats or dogs because yucca is also quite toxic to them.

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