Big Leaf Indoor Plants for Your Home
Photo by Sarah Dorweiler

15 Big Leaf Indoor Plants for Your Home

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Big leaf indoor plants are a great way to spruce up your interiors without spending much on ineffective decor.

Some plants have detoxifying properties that may help clean the air, making the home or workplace much more livable. 

Additionally, plants with big leaves may give the impression that the room is larger when placed in a confined area.

Your status as a plant parent is elevated to a new level when you bring large indoor plants into your house. 

Large, imposing houseplants with big leaves are also ideal for embracing biophilic design and the current trend in nature-inspired home décor.

A space will unavoidably become more vibrant and lush with all that lovely green flora. 

With this selection of options that produce gorgeous leaves on a huge scale, you can choose the ideal big leaf indoor plants for your home.

1. Musa Banana

Big leaf indoor plants known as musas are valued for the delicious fruits they produce.

The broad leaves are also edible; in certain regions of Asia and Africa, they are cooked and consumed. It has leaves in the form of paddles that may grow up to 10 inches long. 

As Musa plants are known to develop quickly, cultivate them indoors in a large container.

They perform well in a well with direct sunshine but need frequent wet soil to develop; thus, they demand ordinary upkeep.

During the winter season, reduce how often you water the indoor plant.

2. Majesty Palm

Although it is generally slow-growing, the majesty palm is an elegant and well-liked indoor palm tree that may reach heights of up to 10 feet.

Big green leaves supported by several stems are a distinctive feature of majestic palms.

It may not be suitable for people without a green thumb since it can be a challenging palm species to maintain happiness inside.

A majesty palm must have the ideal light, temperature, and fertilizer to thrive.

3. Elephant Ear Plant

Since it has big, lovely leaves that will fill up a room, the elephant ear plant is one of the best big leaf indoor plants.

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The best location for this indoor plant is away from drafts and intense sunshine. For these plants, filtered light from a south-facing window works well.

Only water the elephant ear plant when the soil feels dry and needs it. Getting them too damp, which may lead to concerns with root rot, is a common issue with this indoor plant.

4. Philodendron Xanadu

The Philodendron Xanadu loves damp but not extremely wet soil and has big, glossy leaves.

Depending on the humidity in your indoor environment and where in your house it is, it should be watered roughly once a week or as required. 

The philodendron xanadu is ideally suited for interior space with high ceilings and no adjacent overhead impediments.

This includes light fixtures or furniture since it may grow rather tall given enough time to develop. This is one of the amazing big leaf indoor plants.

5. Philodendron Gloriosum

The genus Philodendron and family Araceae both include the species Philodendron gloriosum. It is best cultivated inside as an ornamental plant since it inhibits a rawling trait.

It is a tall, green plant with heart-shaped leaves that may reach heights of 36 inches. 

Gloriosum Growing philodendrons in a space with enough access to bright but indirect sunlight is all that is necessary for them to thrive.

Their high watering requirements call for twice or three weekly watering.

6. Tropic Snow Dumbcane Plant

Wide, textured leaves on the tropic snow dumbcane plant make it one of the best big leaf indoor plants.

These indoor plants enjoy moist soil that is not soggy and need filtered light or indirect sunlight. 

Tropic snow dumbcane should be watered once a week or if the leaves seem dry. This indoor plant with big leaves may get fairly tall if given enough time and space to develop. 

Therefore, it works best in houses with high ceilings because impediments from above, such as furniture or ceiling lights, are less likely to cause problems.

7. Rubber Tree

The rubber tree is a common indoor plant that comes in various colors and forms. The main feature of this tropical indoor plant is its big, waxy leaves.

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The rubber tree has a maximum height of 50 feet when growing in its native environment. 

However, trimming and root limitation allow for managing its growth and form when grown indoors.

To thrive indoors, this tropical plant needs strong, direct sunlight. Cats, dogs, and people may all be poisonous from the rubber tree.

8. Banana Tree Plant

One of the fantastic big leaf indoor plants is the banana tree plant. Its intriguing form adds a splash of color to any space.

To ensure they get lots of natural light, banana tree plants should be placed next to a window. 

Artificial lighting will work if you don’t have a beautiful sunny area for them. The soil around a banana tree must be kept moist but not drenched.

Banana trees grow quickly but can only be used inside since they can’t sustain temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius).

9. Calathea Orbifolia 

The Calathea Oblifolia is often referred to as a prayer plant, much like most other members of the Calathea genus.

It is a big green plant with deep green leaves speckled with silver or white. They are great plants for bedrooms since they purify the air.

The plant, which may reach a height of 3 feet, is simple to cultivate and maintain since it just needs bright, indirect sunshine and consistent watering at least once a week or every two weeks.

10. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Popular indoor trees with fiddle-shaped leaves provide interest to any space. They may be trimmed into various shapes and distinguished by their big, waxy, fiddle-shaped leaves.

Despite being widely used, these plants have a reputation for being unpredictable and difficult to maintain. Fiddle leaf figs may develop into full-grown trees with the proper care.

Their growth is often restricted when grown inside by being cultivated in containers and careful trimming. Fiddle leaf fig leaves are poisonous to dogs, cats, and people.

11. African Mask Plant

The African mask plant is one of the most stunning big leaf indoor plants. Its leaves are eye-catching, glossy, and deep green with white stripes. The leaves develop into a large spear shape. 

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It thrives inside where there is indirect sunlight and favors damp surroundings over dry ones.

Depending on where it is located within your house, the African mask plant may need to be watered more often than once a week.

12. Bird of Paradise

A tropical plant called the bird of paradise got its name from a special flower resembling a bird in flight.

Big leaves on these houseplants develop in a self-heading habit, meaning the foliage develops in layers from a single central stem.

When fully mature, an indoor bird of paradise may grow up to six to seven feet tall and four feet broad. This plant is poisonous to animals, including cats, dogs, and horses.

13. Monstera Deliciosa

A magnificent big indoor plant with fenestrated leaves, the Monstera deliciosa quickly gives a space a tropical vibe. 

The plant may reach a height of ten feet when cultivated indoors, and its leaves can reach three to four feet long.

Unfortunately, cats, dogs, and people are all somewhat poisonous to the Monstera deliciosa.

14. Peace Lily Plant

This lovely houseplant may improve indoor air quality by eliminating pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene, often in paint thinner and furniture polish. 

They produce gorgeous white flowers in late summer/early autumn, winter, and early spring three times a year. Peace lilies have the potential to become extremely big. 

You should be warned that they also generate a white or yellow sap that should not come in touch with your skin since it is poisonous when swallowed.

This is one of the best big leaf indoor plants.

15. Ruffled Fan Palm

The ruffled fan palm, also known as Licuala grandis, is a gorgeous houseplant that may also be cultivated outside.

They have big leaves that may be up to 22 inches across. The name of this plant comes from the way the leaves are ruffled up and curved like fans. 

The big leaf indoor plant, which grows in Southeast Asian and Vanuatuan rainforests, is often considered a mid-maintenance plant that needs partial to complete shade to thrive.

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