substitutes for canola oil
Photo by Annica Sörén

13 Best Substitutes for Canola Oil

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Canola oil might be one of the most popular cooking oils. But it doesn’t necessarily make your food taste better. 

Also, don’t stress yourself if you’re looking for substitutes for canola oil in the market. You can get your canola oil fix without ruining your favorite recipes with their taste and odor.

And try one of these delicious substitutes for canola oil instead; you may like them even better than canola oil!

Substitutes for Canola Oil

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil isn’t just a tasty addition to your next meal. It’s also a healthy fat that can be incorporated into your diet as an effective weight loss plan. Olive oil can also be used as a substitute for canola oil.

Also, Extra virgin olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to increase satiety while decreasing levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for increasing hunger and cravings.

However, a 2012 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that olive oil enhances satiety and can substitute for canola oil.

Other studies have also shown similar results when comparing extra virgin oil to corn or soybean oils. Incorporate more olive oil into your diet by using it as a salad dressing, dipping bread, and using it on vegetables before roasting them.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is gaining popularity because of its fantastic health benefits. It can be used as a substitute for butter or other oils in recipes and even as a beauty product.

However, Coconut oil has not been genetically modified, making it a healthier option than other vegetable oils. It also substitutes for canola oil, while many people think of coconut oil as something used in desserts and cocktails.

Nevertheless, you can use it in everything from stir fry to oatmeal. Coconut oil is unsaturated fat that contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which have been shown to improve cognitive function when consumed daily.

3. Almond Oil

Almond oil adds subtle flavor (good for marinades) and has a high smoke point (390 degrees F), so it works well in high-heat preparations and can also substitute for canola oil.

However, consider substituting it for olive oil for heart-healthy Mediterranean recipes containing more saturated fat.

One tablespoon of almond oil contains 14 grams of monounsaturated fat and one gram of polyunsaturated fat. One tablespoon of olive oil contains 14 grams of monounsaturated fat and two grams of polyunsaturated fat.

It is also often found in cosmetics like shampoos, shaving gels, and moisturizers as a non-allergenic ingredient that offers anti-aging benefits.

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4. Grapeseed Oil

In addition to a high smoke point, grapeseed oil has health benefits. Although it contains linoleic acid—the same essential fatty acid that gives olive and flaxseed oils their beneficial properties—grapeseed is higher in oleic acid. More than most other plant-based oils, it is more stable at high temperatures. 

However, That means you can safely cook at higher heats while using grapeseed oil as a substitute for canola oil without breaking down. Like some other plant-based oils, its components are prone to doing so.

Nevertheless, it’s also chock full of vitamin E and antioxidants, and recent research suggests that grapeseed oil might help lower bad LDL cholesterol when used as a substitute for canola oil while increasing good HDL cholesterol.

5. Avocado Oil

Although avocado oil has a relatively low smoke point (470°F), it is incredibly high in monounsaturated fats—the good fat. Avocado oil also contains vitamin E, which is excellent for healing dry skin and hair.

In addition, it has a neutral flavor that goes well with many different foods. Also, a little bit of avocado oil goes a long way in cooking as a substitute for canola oil.

For example, saturated veggies, frying chicken or turkey cutlets, making guacamole, or mixing it into salad dressings like ranch.

To cook using avocado oil as a substitute for canola oil, add 1-2 tablespoons when heating your pan over medium heat. Once heated through (about one minute), you can add your food.

6. Macadamia Nut Oil

It is a bit pricey, but its taste and high smoke point make it well worth the cost. Macadamia nut oil has a buttery flavor similar to olive oil and can be a substitute for canola oil.

Although it doesn’t have human mega-3 fatty acids, macadamia nut oil contains other essential nutrients that could benefit overall health.

Research shows it contains at least 16 antioxidants, vitamin E, and beta-carotene (4). Canola Oil Alternative #1 – Hemp Seed Oil

7. Peanut Oil

As a source of monounsaturated fats, peanut oil is a suitable substitute for canola oil. It contains healthy amounts of oleic acid and resveratrol, which have been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Vitamin E is also helpful in protecting against certain types of cancer. Moreover, peanut oil has an even higher smoke point than canola oil and is t, therefore, less susceptible to oxidation.

Peanut oil is also great for stir-frying because it has minimal flavor and won’t clash with other ingredients.

8. Soybean Oil

Soybean oil has a more neutral flavor than other oils, and its high smoke point makes it a good choice for frying. When choosing soybean oil, make sure it’s cold-pressed and expeller-pressed.

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These terms mean that no chemicals were used in extraction, preserving nutrients and flavors. It is good and can be used as a substitute for canola oil. 

However, a few options for cold-pressed soybean oils include Spectrum Naturals Organic Refined Soybean Oil (about $5). Omega Nutrition Expeller Pressed Canola & Soybean Cooking Oil ($7) and Spectrum Naturals Organic Expeller Pressed Safflower & Sunflower Seed Cooking Oil ($7).

9. Corn Oil

Corn oil is a relatively healthy alternative because it contains omega-6 fatty acids. However, some experts believe that because of its overabundance of omega-6s and how easily it becomes rancid. Therefore, corn oil should be consumed only sparingly.

Nevertheless, it’s also important not to cook with corn oil at extremely high temperatures, as this may cause damage.

For these reasons, substituting corn oil for vegetable oils such as soybean or safflower seems like a good idea for those looking for a substitute for canola oil in their daily cooking.

10. Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil is one of many suitable substitutes for canola oil. It has a lower smoke point than other oils but an excellent omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ratio.

It’s also highly rich in antioxidants and slightly milder than olive or sunflower oils. Moreover, Consider using grape seed oil when you want to minimize your intake of saturated fats.

But still, enjoy a healthy source of monounsaturated fat. It’s also commonly used in flavorings and as a solvent because it doesn’t react well with water.

11. Safflower Oil

If you need a high-heat oil that won’t produce toxic compounds at those temperatures, safflower is a solid option. It has a neutral flavor and doesn’t smoke at high heat, making it especially useful for frying or roasting. 

However, a tablespoon of safflower oil contains 14 grams of oleic acid (about 71 percent of your daily recommended intake), which has been shown to reduce body fat and build lean muscle.

There’s also some evidence that oleic acid is essential for the brain and can be used as a substitute for canola oil, not just because it may reduce Alzheimer’s risk.

You are also Consuming monounsaturated fats like oleic acid. It may affect blood flow and cognition in areas of your brain responsible for memory formation and retrieval.

12. Cotton Seed Oil

These inexpensive substitutes for canola oil are commonly found in supermarkets, so they’re easy to find and buy. However, cottonseed oil has a low smoke point of 450 degrees Fahrenheit and a nutty flavor, making it an unappealing option for many. 

Also Read:  17 Different Types of Coconuts

However, what are your options? Use cottonseed oil as a last resort if you are looking for substitutes for canola oil. But remember that it isn’t about adding health benefits or advantages to your diet.

13. Sunflower Oil

With a high smoking point, low saturated fat, and even higher omega-6 fatty acids. Sunflower oil is just about as good as it gets for oils. 

Moreover, the main benefit? It’s economical—two tablespoons have 120 calories and cost just 24 cents. A popular substitute for canola or corn oil, it’s perfect for people allergic to nuts.

How to Substitute Canola Oil for Solid Fat?

Canola oil is a heart-healthy fat perfect for baked goods or other recipes, but you’ll have to replace it with a solid fat—such as butter, margarine, lard, or shortening. 

While these may be satisfactory alternatives for replacing solid fats (provided they are kept under four ounces daily), some medical professionals warn against relying on these fake fats as substitutes for heart-healthy canola oils

Also, because these substitutes contain high saturated fat content (as opposed to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in canola oils), many doctors advise against using them often. Consider each health benefit and risk before making a decision.

Health Benefits of Substituting Canola Oil

While you may have heard that canola oil is healthy food, it turns out that there are several other options for substitutes for cooking

For example, walnut oil is almost entirely monounsaturated and only contains a small amount of polyunsaturated fat (1.9%).

The main benefits of consuming plant-based oils like walnut or flaxseed include increasing heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats and decreasing saturated fats. 

In addition, certain oils are better for low-heat cooking and less stable at high temperatures than others. Many healthy choices, including olive, sesame, and sunflower oils, fall into this category. 

Other options include avocado oil, butter, and clarified butter (ghee). Suppose you’re looking for something to substitute canola oil.

It’s even healthier; try using spices such as garlic or onion powder instead of salt when seasoning your food. There are plenty of ways to cook without using any oil whatsoever!


There are several excellent substitutes for canola oil. Despite its health risks, millions of people use it regularly in cooking, but if you’re looking for something different, try flaxseed oil, olive oil, or sunflower seed oils.

Thanks to their high smoke points and neutral flavors, these options make great substitutes for high-heat saturated. Once you turn down the heat, add your choice of flavorings and spices!

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